- January 9, 2023
- Posted by: Adimin
- Category: About
SUMASESU:Registered in 2004 with Reg; No so 12537 as a non-governmental organization. Got a certificate of compliance no; 00001486 under the Non-Governmental Organizations’ act no 24 of 2002 on the 27th November 2012. The headquarter offices are located at Tandala in Makete District of Njombe region. The organization is registered to operate in the whole Mainland of Tanzania.
A sustainable society with social economic justice
SUMASESU is a civil society organization that exists to empower communities for sustainable development.
SUMASESU is governed by the Management Board which entrusted by the General assembly. The executive Director undertakes the administrative roles of the daily functions of the organization and reports to the Management Board.
– The Organization has developed and is continually updating different polices that provide leadership and technical guidance on its day-to-day operations. To mention a few, such polices include:
o Human resource policy.
o Financial policy.
o Monitoring and evaluation policy.
o Fiduciary and risk control policy.
o Travel policy.
o Health and safety policy.
o Environmental policy.
o Gender policy.
1.0 To strengthen gender sensitivity, sexual and reproductive health and HIV/STIs situation of in and out of school youth;
2.0 To reduce human rights violations related to child labour, trafficking and Gender Based Violence (GBV);
3.0 To promote and support farmers’ initiatives on good and sustainable agricultural practices;
4.0 To promote environmental management and utilization for increased resilience, adaptation and mitigation of negative impact of climate change;
5.0 To mobilize community members to formulate viable income generating activities (IGA) groups and link them with credit facilities and promote tourism features / opportunities and undertake measures those aimed at environmental conservation.
Promotion of tourism features / opportunities and undertake measures that are aimed at environmental conservation of the tourism attractions.
1.0 Team Spirit: The SUMASESU recognizes that its success depends on a diverse, coordinated team committed to the highest standards of trust, hard work, cooperation and communication.
2.0 Collaboration and networking: The organization is committed to work together in a coordinated approach with its partners (rural communities, government and other organizations working in Tanzania and/or abroad). This value is based on the organization’s belief and experience that its operational success depends on diversified but integrated skills and abilities from various stakeholders.
3.0 Accountability and transparency: To be open and answerable to results of the work they have done, both at individual and team level, employees/members shall hold themselves accountable to the board of directors and community they serve and take responsibility for achieving its strategic goals.
4.0 Excellence and Professionalism: Staff/members are committed to provide skilled expertise that reflects the Vision and Mission of the organization. The staff members believe that they are obliged to pursue the best level of endeavor in all services the organization has stipulated to offer to the target communities.
5.0 Gender sensitivity: SUMASESU always endeavors to ensure equal participation both of women and men in resource allocation and that allocation of duties and responsibilities at the organization level and interventions at community level are gender sensitive.
6.0 Integrity and patriotism – SUMASESU will endeavour to guarantee citizens the best quality products, fast and efficient services. Its staff shall give their best to nation building by exhibiting high standards of integrity.
7.0 Innovativeness and creativity– this are the basis of the future success of SUMASESU. Our commitment to service excellence will be demonstrated by our continuous improvement through creativity and innovations.
Inclusiveness – We strive to ensure effective youth participation and representation at all levels of decision making so that young people can gain sense of contributing something of value to the society, feeling connected to others and to society, believe that they have choices about their future and feeling of being positive and comfortable with their own destiny.
Organizational Capacity in terms of Human resources and Professionalism.
Number of staff members; 32
- Permanent- 17 (11 M & 6 F)
Temporally/volunteers- 15 (5 M & 10 F)
The organizational is endowed with Community Development, Accounts, Environmental, public administration, Primary Health and Rural planning professionals.
Main Strategic Pillars of thematic areas.2022-2027
- Pillar 1: Communities are food and income secure- link to SDG 1 (no poverty), SDG 2 (no hunger), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), SDG 13 (climate actions), and SDG 15 (life on land).
- Pillar 2: Communities access quality health services- link to SDG 3 (good health) and SDG 6 (WASH
Pillar 3: Communities have the capacity to promote and protect human rights of the disadvantaged and marginalized groups- link to SGD 16 (peace and justice).