as a non profit organization committed to serve the community, needs support from different Donors & partners within and outside the country in order to facilitate implementation of its activities to the community.


A sustainable society with social economic Justice.


SUMASESU is a civil society organization that exists to empower communities for sustainable development


We work with different national and international partners

Why Partner Choose Us

1.0 Team Spirit:

The SUMASESU recognizes that its success depends on a diverse, coordinated team committed to the highest standards of trust, hard work, cooperation and communication.

2.0 Collaboration and networking

The organization is committed to work together in a coordinated approach with its partners (rural communities, government and other organizations working in Tanzania and/or abroad).

3.0 Accountability and transparency:

To be open and answerable to results of the work they have done, both at individual and team level, employees/members shall hold themselves accountable to the board of directors and community they serve and take responsibility for achieving its strategic goals

4.0 Excellence and Professionalism:

Staff/members are committed to provide skilled expertise that reflects the Vision and Mission of the organization. The staff members believe that they are obliged to pursue the best level of endeavor in all services the organization has stipulated to offer to the target communities.

5.0 Gender sensitivity:

SUMASESU always endeavors to ensure equal participation both of women and men in resource allocation and that allocation of duties and responsibilities at the organization level and interventions at community level are gender sensitive.

6.0 Integrity and patriotism

SUMASESU will endeavour to guarantee citizens the best quality products, fast and efficient services. Its staff shall give their best to nation building by exhibiting high standards of integrity.

Doing the right thing,
at the right time.


Total Clients Reached


Regional Clients Reached


Awards winning


Organization committed to
empower communities for sustainable development

how peoPle say about SUMASESU

Veronica Kessy District commissioner

"Makete district is proud to have the SUMASESU organization, you have been very helpful in educating the people of Makete district (2019)"

FikiriSanga, Peasant

"I am grateful that the Sumasesu organization has helped me learn modern agriculture and find a reliable market"

Godfrey Gogadi Distric lawyer

"Sumasesu, you have done a good job to ensure that the people of these villages in Makete district get land titles"

    Contact Us

    Registered in 2004 with Reg; No so 12537 as a non-governmental organization. Got a certificate of compliance no; 00001486 under the Non-Governmental Organizations’ act no 24 of 2002 on the 27th November 2012.

    Head Quarter

    Kilovoko Street Tandala

    5 Sumasesu Road



    Tel.+255766 066 710


    SUMASESU as a non profit organization committed to serve the community, needs support from different donors & partners within and outside the country in order to facilitate implementation of its activities to the community.